Artists in residence
Recipients of the 2022 D’Arts et de rêves Creation Grants
2022 Recipients of the D’Arts et de rêves Creation Grant in Literature, visual arts and circus arts. News of the artists and their stay at D’Arts et de rêves
Read more...Tri Cycles Entrelacs: Three artists, three disciplines, one cultural crossroad
Nicole ended the meeting by thanking those who supported her in 2021 and by presenting them with flowers. Natasha received the largest bouquet: her presence, her smile, and her dedication are greatly appreciated by all those involved in one way or another with D’Arts et de rêves.
Read more...Our scholarship recipients in residence
Our first DAR scholars: Yannick Guégen, Pénélope Mallard, and The Chita project—Anna Kichtchenko and Pablo Pramparo.