Mélodie Martin Couture, caring for the DAR Park

The DAR Park needs tender loving care...

And Mélodie Martin Couture has decided to make this her project 20 hours a week until October. In fact, she is our new Park Maintenance Manager whose tasks include, amongst others:

  • Maintenance and pruning of trees, shrubs, and perennials.
  • Cleaning and maintenance of flower beds, planting areas, and paths.
  • Verification and maintenance of sculptures.
  • Supporting the DAR team during volunteer work bees and events in the park.
  • Maintenance of equipment.
  • Controlling invasive species.
  • Brush clearing and lawn mowing.
    As for the lawn mowing, Luc Giguère, a retired Sutton resident, has generously offered to take care of it since Mélodie has, as you no doubt agree, a lot of work to do and the maintenance of the lawn and the paths requires a good day's work each week.

Mélodie Couture

Mélodie and Sutton

Mélodie loves the Eastern Townships and especially Sutton. She’s had family in the area for five years now, used to visit them regularly and enjoy our beautiful environment. She was lucky in finding a place to live on the mountain so her job at DAR and her new home make her really happy.

Mélodie intends to eventually settle here full time. For the moment, she is working two jobs, one in Montreal and the other at DAR Park.

Her connection to DAR

Mélodie is a circus artist and got to know D'Arts et de rêves about five years ago when Nicole Côté (CEO DAR) and Joanie Leroux-Côté (St DAR) made a presentation at the AGM of Cirque En Piste in Montreal. This year, with colleagues, she thought of applying for a residency in order to work on a circus project. It was quite by chance that she found out that there was a position available for the summer season at the DAR Park.

Arts and horticulture

When she was younger, Mélodie hesitated between the arts and horticulture. She chose the circus world but has always loved gardening. This job at DAR gives her the opportunity to mix the two, to learn more about cultivation and landscaping, and to work surrounded by monumental sculptures located near an artists' residence. In short, everything needed to make her happy.

Say hello to her...

You can say hello to Mélodie and see what she's up to if you go for a walk in the DAR Park. You'll see that she has an infectious good mood that is readily shared. Mélodie will be at the park every Thursday and Friday and on some afternoons―Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday―weather permitting.


Enjoy the DAR Park Mélodie, Sutton is happy to have you on board!


Liliane Lessard